Trap Stakes & Trap Setting SuppliesProud member of Pennsylvania Trappers, New York Trappers, Maryland Fur Trappers, and the National Trappers Association
Copyright© 2013-23 Chubb's Trapping Supplies Trap Stakes
Heavy Duty Cable Stakes Heavy Duty Berkshire Ends Stake Driver
Trapper's Tie Wire Metal Dirt Sifter
$11.00 - each
$9.00 - each
Trapper's Trowel
Write Your Own Trap Tags
$3.50 - pack
Wolf Fang Cable Stakes
Select from 12, 14 or 16 inch
Wolf Fang Ends Only
Wolf Fang Stake Driver
$19.00 - each
$65.00 - 100 count
$65.00 - 100 count